Has Facebook changed the world?
Uprising of the Arab Spring (December 2010)
- Started in Tunisia.
- Ben Ali is the leader of Tunisia (Dictator).
- Tunisia was a police state.
- If you were to question the Government you were going to prison to be beaten and tortured.
- Ben Ali - Worth £3.5 billion.
- Ben Ali ruled Tunisia for 24 years, however it had only taken 28 days for him time to come to an end.
Press Censorship
- Government decide what is allowed to be shown on the news.
- Control the ordinary people in the country.
For example, The man who owned the stall ( Mohammed Buazizi)
- He attempted to protest which was then not allowed to be shown on the TV.
- However it was seen online due to the mobile phone recordings of the event.
Internet E.g. Social Media and Blogs
- The people of Tunisia shared hatred of their president on the internet such as Facebook, Twitter and bogs.
The Internet
- 1/4 of homes in Tunisia have broadband and 90% own a mobile phone.
- The Internet holds and infanent number of pathways to communicate with others.
- If you were caught in Tunisia posting online you would face torture and detention.
- 2 million Facebook users in Tunisia 20% of Tunisia active on Facebook.
- Protesters videos went viral.
- Within days of the protest it was available to everyone to view due to the mobile phone recordings. being posted on Facebook.
- The people in Tunisia used twitter in order to inform everyone where the police were stationed.
- Live streaming of protests in Tunisia.
- Unarmed protesters were shot dead.
- 150 died from the protest.
- Ben Ali gave a speech in order to win his country back
- 15th of January Ben Ali conducted a television Public relation campaign.
- Protester videos went viral.
- Al Jazeera - Leading Arab channel in the world had shown the protest due to the online streams and social media posts.
Saleem and Azeez
Two university students who were in the front line and started the protest.
- 1 pm on the 6th of January Saleem and Azeez were arrested.
- 10,000 people protested outside where Saleem and Azeez were arrested the day before they were released.
- Hacked the union website - telling them about the protest and telling them where it is going to take place.
Rise of Social Media
- TV being old media is now not effective anymore due to the rise in social media.
- Internet is immediate.
- No single, central hub can shut down the internet like they can shut down TV stations.
The conflict was effectively fought between two opposing forces. Government hackers broke into the Facebook and email accounts of active Tunisian bloggers to prevent them from spreading information about what was happening in Sidi Bouzid, the cradle of the revolution. Unexpectedly, the government was also able to remove the https secured protocol from major Internet browsers in order to expose any bloggers that dared to post anything online. As a result, some bloggers were arrested.
This article tells us that the revolution would still of happened without Facebook as the Tunisian Government were able to hack into the Facebook https and block any blogging from taking place and therefore being able to find out the bloggers and then arrest them. However Twitter was the most effective as when someone was to re tweet something it is then harder for the government to get rid of it such as, letting the protesters know where the police are located.
As of 2012, Internet use and social media penetration were extensive in Tunisia. In a population of 10,732,900, 39% are Internet users and 31% are Facebook subscribers. This allowed social media platforms like Facebook to make a telling contribution to the 2011 revolution, signaling the emergence of a new means of public empowerment through the Web.
This article then tells us that having Facebook allowed the audience to empower the government of Tunisia as there were 39% of the Tunisia population active on Facebook therefore this then allowed them to create protests through social media.
My opinion
My opinion whether i believe that the Revolution would of taken place without Facebook is that I believe that due to the 39% of Tunisia's population being active on Facebook this would then make it easier for them as a nation to come together and plan ahead without the government being able to track and stop them. However once the government had released where the public were communicating from they were then able to hack in blogging and delete them before the public were able to get a hold of them. However I believe that social media played a big part within this revolution and also I believe this revolution would not have taken place without social media but, my main social media website for this revolution which was the most effective was twitter. The reason for this was that the government would not be able to cancel the URL links of the tweet as they may of deleted the main post however once someone has re tweeted in order to attract more of an awareness this would then not allow the government to be able to delete all the re tweets. Concluding I believe that without social media itself this revolution would not have been possible however, I still believe without Facebook this revolution would have taken place as, i believe the main source and most effective contact could be done through Twitter.