President of Egypt was Mubarak. He was the preseident of Egypt for so long due to the rigged elections which allowed his oppents no chance of overhauling him, therefore allowing him to keep his place at the stop.
" Mubarak is a man of peace."
- America and Obama were in support of Mubarak providing him with his full support.
- Obama on the 1st of February gave a speech in support of the people of Egypt.
- £1.3 billion coming from america to Egypt in order to fund army.
- Government contain unlimited power they are able to do what they want.
- Fail to follow the Government leads to Torture and imprisonment.
- If found Blogging within Egypt you were put in prison, tortured and beaten.
- Beaten and tortured for exposing the Government online, who was eventually killed due to the torture and beatings he had taken.
- Memory page for Kalid Sayed used to start a revolution
- 5 Million Facebook users.
- 20% Internet access in Egypt.
- Facebook pages used to start revolutions.
- 200,000 people gathered around the Taria Square (Main attack location.)
- 100,s of people were killed.
- Buses, Mosques and Cafe's were used in order to support and communication about the protest.
- Trick the police through Facebook sending them to wrong destinations.
- Communication blackout which stopped people from communicating Mubarak had shut the Internet down within Egypt in order rot stop the protest and not allow any footage of the protest to be streamed and allowed to go viral.
- Vodafone had supported this blackout which they then turned of all the mobile phone connections within Egypt.
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