Sunday, 30 March 2014


Turkey blocks YouTube amid 'national security' concerns

Youtube Turkey

This story is about how YouTube has now been banned within Turkey weeks after they had already banned Twitter usage within the county. This is not the first time this has happened within in Turkey as they had banned YouTube within Turkey in 2007 which they then released this ban three years after it was put into place. The reason for this ban was that social media users within the Turkey were able to access "Virtual private networks". Therefore this being too much of a risk for the country to be able to risk. One of the issues which was raised  which came to a concern of Turkey was, a private conversation which was recording and then posted onto YouTube. The conversation was between Turkish intelligence chief Hakan Fidan, foreign minister Ahmet Davutoglu. The conversation in which they had secretly recorded contained information discussing a possible military action in Syria. My opinion on this story would be that due to the increase of new and digital media it now has a large and importance within he world as their are many users. Social media is then an aspect which can be used for more bad then good. Therefore I then personal believe that the action Turkey have taken on banning social media is the right thing to do. The reason for this would be that if they were to recive vital information this could then lead to something the country may not want such as, offending other countries. 

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