Jasmine Gardner: News travels fast in cyberspace but can we trust it?
This is a story which again talks about the trust we can have with news being put through to us through social media. social media allows us quick and easy access to news. When someone tweets the news on twitter it is then re tweeted by many people which then soon turns viral. This then means everyone is now aware of the news as it is trending. However it has now been brought upon us that not everything you see on the news is believable. The reason for this is that news which is being present to us through social media has no source of where it is coming from but however looks believable to the audience. One example of this is Manchester United Manager was seen to had been sacked from his position as it had been trending on twitter. However later on the audience had come to realise that this was a fake piece of news as there was no reliable source which could back this up such as Sky Sports. My opinion on this story is that i believe due to everything now becoming technology based that news online is now the way in which the audience will receive their news as it is quick and news travels faster through this therefore reaching the audience faster. However i believe that their will always be fake stories going around which i then believe it is yup to the audience to find the reliable sources before spreading it themselves.
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